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Quality & Safety Management

A commitment to quality & Safety

We demonstrate our commitment to quality through clear communication, a ‘no surprises for clients’ philosophy, quick and decisive problem-solving, and a system of inspection, test, and affirmation of quality. We work very hard to understand the needs of our client upfront, which is the best way to ensure that we meet and exceed the client’s expectations.

We manage quality assurance by using a protocol-based, project-specific in house Quality Management Plan. All projects are controlled by Project Managers with over 60 years combined experience, projects are not just left to continue unsupervised, every aspect is monitored and supervised.


SBG have an OH&S Management System produced by FJP Safety Advisors, this incorporates all the policies, procedures, process information, reports and forms necessary to ensure that we have the relevant information on hand to manage our OH&S obligations and various statutory requirements.  They also provide their wealth of experience, along with client audit reporting and site assessments.  They are available to consult with us when we require further understanding of our OHS requirements.    

Our OH&S construction manual is fully compliant with AS/NZS 4801:2001.

Each major project has a site and office OH&S Manual which outlines all the processes, procedures, SWMS, checklists and other OH&S information relevant to keeping a safe construction site. Site set up involves undertaking risk assessment reports, which are updated through-out the construction process as required.  All persons entering sites complete site inductions provide relevant licenses, i.e. red card, licensed trade cards, etc, insurances details and all other necessary documentation. All staff and sub-contractors are required to complete SWMS and relevant checklists, prior to commencing works.

Our site foremen conduct daily OH&S inspections and complete weekly assessment reports. All OH&S responsibilities are clearly defined to employees and subcontractors, by our foremen and or project managers as necessary.

Site offices display all necessary signage, emergency responses, the local hospitals & medical facilities.  First Aid kits are present on all sites, and in all motor vehicles supplied by SBG. Ablution and other facilities are maintained, as per OH&S regulations. A procedure exists for staff and subcontractors to report any hazards and risks.  Plant and equipment checklists are completed. Testing and Tagging, i.e. maintenance of equipment is completed every three months and reported by our contractor Test its Safe Electrics.  

The above system ensures all SBG project run at the safest levels possible.